
Monday, June 06, 2016

The World Needs Donald Trump

  • Hillary Clinton: "He should not have the nuclear codes because it’s very easy to imagine Donald Trump leading us into a war just because someone got under his very thin skin.''
  • Noam Chomsky on Trump: "Almost a death knell for the human species."

Both Clinton and Chomsky take it as read that the election of Trump and subsequent annihilation of the human race would be a sub-optimal outcome. Neither bothers to explain why this is the case; they just assume their audiences share their prejudices.  No doubt Clinton's strategists have calculated that human extinction doesn't poll well in swing states.  

Yet for a polar bear or a sea cucumber, fewer humans might be just what the doctor ordered. Two hundred years from now the planet will probably be in pretty good shape, if Trump delivers on his pledge to wipe out our odious rat-like species. That's another thing I don't like about Clinton- she's so homo-centric. Just because she isn't a sea cucumber, she acts as though no one is. 

The latest polls show that only 0.2% of Americans would welcome a nuclear confrontation with China. But 0.2% is equivalent to the population of El Paso, Texas. What gives Clinton the right to single out El Paso in this way? I can't tell you how angry this makes me. 

I think Trump's policies make a lot of sense, but I'm completely high right now. 


  1. Finally, someone is acting as the voice of the sea cucumber!

  2. Touched as I am by your concern for sea cucumbers, Harry, I have to draw the line at polar bears. We have tolerated the blunt upbraidings and bitter scoffs of those pasty white psychopaths for long enough, in my book. Perhaps China and the US can put their respective arsenals to common purpose and end the polar bear menace forever.

    In fairness to Hillary, she'd probably have proposed this already, if only someone would think to shove a stack of $100s in the slot and click the "Purchase Policy" button on her Foundation's website. No pay, no play with her Hutton. Best start passing the hat around...

  3. Thon Brocket8:00 pm

    Dunno about that. Wipe out Hom. sap. - hah! - and you leave the door open for the hairy-nosed wombats. An Earth ruled by tyrannical hirsutonasal marsupials is nobody's idea of a picnic, let me tell you.

    We shall hear more of Albania.

  4. Nuclear war won't wipe out humanity, Harry. There'll be a billion survivors, mostly nutjob survivalists with automatic weapons or horrible radioactive mutants. Not a world fit for sea cucumbers by any measure. And I see through your trick of mentioning Chomsky to stir up controversy like in the old days. He's too much of a senile old has-been for that to work any more. Haven't you heard of Slavoj Žižek?

  5. Say what you will about Trump, but he will wage the finest nuclear war, and it will be the greatest mass extinction movement of all time. Even the dinosaurs will be impressed, believe me.

  6. Anonymous10:22 am

    A country with Boris Johnson as Foreign Secretary is in no position to cast nasturtiums at anyone.

    I'm hoping his first move will be to put back the cross-Channel naval guns at Dover.

  7. This is what you want, Harry.

  8. Are you sure your statistics are correct, because they seem a bit low. A recent poll asked "Have you ever been decapitated?", and a full 4% answered yes.

    To be fair, they did ask Americans.


