
Saturday, November 19, 2016

In the U.S. election of 1796, the President of the U.S. Philosophical Society (Jefferson) ran against the founder of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Adams). The most popular musician around that time was Ludwig Van.   

Looking back from the age of Trump, Clinton and Bieber, it's clear that things have gone to shit to an extent that hasn't been seen since Rome fell. I don't want to labour the point, but if standards continue to decline at this rate for another couple of centuries, the President of the United States would be literally a chimp, and music would be more hideous than any yowling yet produced by man or beast.

Obviously, life won't get that bad. I'm not saying that things will stop getting worse, but pace of decline has to slow.


  1. We wouldn't elect an actual chimpanzee, Hutton. Stop dabbling in hyperbole!

    Now, Harambe, on the other hand ...

  2. If it’s been all downhill since 1796, was it uphill prior to 1796? Or was 1796 just another blip in the long slide? I mean, when was the highpoint?

  3. Well, Jefferson used his slaves the same way Woody Allen used his Orgasmatron. And Beethoven was a German. Not sure the trend is entirely one of consistent decline as you suggest, Harry. Certainly the chimps are having a good laugh right now...

  4. I have advised a number of chimps against running for president. "Your speeches may go down well, but your press conferences would be a disaster" I tell them. An alpha chimp will attack anyone who asks him a impertinent question. The orang-utans are pretty happy right now, but I'm telling them not to count their chickens.

  5. Hutton you fucker, don't you dare suggest that yowling is worse than Bieber. Bob Dylan would have been more apposite.

  6. Steve5:09 am

    Holiness, you fucking tit! You impugn Dylan the Nobelist? For the demise of music, what about Yoko Ono?

  7. Yoko destroyed the Beatles, and for that alone I love her.

  8. Anonymous3:25 pm

    It wasn't Yoko it was Patsy Stone.

  9. Your Name Hair4:03 am

    Never trust a man in a blue trench coat.

  10. Anonymous1:24 pm

    Gorilla Banasas, in your Nov 30 post titled 'Pleading Innocence', you make reference to The Jackson Five and seem to suggest that the majority of this singing troupe had at some time had sexual relations with a chimp. Can you explain how you came to this idea? Surely not on the basis of the Jacksons' skin colour? Mai Non!
    Sol Kashberg

  11. Zoologist2:44 pm

    Chimps actually have pale skin under their hair. As do gorillas.

  12. Rod Shaftsbury1:55 am

    Sol, you great ninny, you should leave comments for the gorilla on his own blog! Can you imagine how worthless you've made Harry feel by commenting on another blogger's post in his own back yard? This was one of his better posts too - possibly his best effort since 2012.

  13. Jimmy Cuntface8:17 am

    It's not all bad - cocks are much bigger than they used to be.

  14. Hello Hutton - another cry for help from Broadmoor?

  15. I also think even Hutton would have to concede that his old foil Snoop Dogg would be a better choice on both the musical and political fronts. I see an opportunity here for rapprochement!

  16. Santa wants a word with you, Harry.

  17. Happy New Year, Harry.

  18. Anonymous9:30 pm

    The dumbing down was foretold in Idiocracy

  19. Your Name Hair5:45 am

    One would think that there was at least thing that has happened in the last five months that Sir Hutton deemed worthy of comment.

    Guess not.

  20. smallus dickus11:24 am

    Hutton has wanked off most of his creative juice, Your Name Hair. And your comment is full of empty space. Take your finger off the return key next time.

  21. your name hair8:47 am

    Mr. S. Dickus:
    Sorry to hear of the Hutton seepage. As for the large white area, it may appear to be empty space but in fact(oid) it is a monochromatic, symbolic representation of the state of abject terror one experiences when faced with the fear that one will miss a street sign and not be accepted into the elite club of non-robots. Fear of failure can translate into a blinding snow storm in which everything appears to be a large white hankerchief. Your kindness is, however, appreciated and falls as the gentle rain.

